Dear Valued Stakeholder,

The Podiatric Medical Board of California (PMBC), in support of the Governor's Executive Order (N-16-22) strengthening the commitment to a "California for All", asks you to please take the brief survey below and share it with employees, coworkers, and patients.

This survey will be open until 8/17/2024.

All responses are anonymous. The Department of Consumer Affairs' SOLID Planning Unit will add your feedback to our analysis to help the Board supplement its strategic plan in response to the survey results.

We appreciate your assistance.

Complete the PMBC DEI 2024 Survey

Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Version Update Effective August 1

Beginning August 1, 2024, all California dispensers of controlled substances will be required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) version 4.2B format. Please visit the Office of the Attorney General's CURES Website for information on this required change.

For information about CURES, visit DCA's CURES information page.

Expedited Licensure Application Processing for Service Members Enrolled in Skillbridge

DPM Continuing Education Changes for 2024:


DPMs are now required upon renewal to complete 50 units of continuing medical education, remain free from disciplinary matters, and pay required renewal fees. CONTINUING COMPETENCE renewal obligations are NO LONGER REQUIRED.

(AB 826) – eliminates Business and Professions Code Sec 2496 requirements.


Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Version Update

Beginning August 1, 2024, all California dispensers of controlled substances will be required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using version 4.2B of the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) format. On and after this date, data submitted using the current CURES ASAP version 4.1 format will no longer be accepted.

Prompt action by licensees who dispense controlled substances is recommended. Technical implementation of this update to data submission software may take considerable time. Contact your data submission software provider and confirm they are preparing for this upcoming ASAP version change.

For more information about the ASAP format change and suggested action steps for data submitters, please see the Department of Justice informational bulletin entitled "New File Format for Reporting to CURES"" on the Office of the Attorney General's CURES Website.

For information about CURES, visit DCA's CURES information page.



Pursuant to Government Code section 11346.1(a)(2), and California Code of Regulations, Title 1, section 48, notice is hereby given that the California Department of Public Health proposes to adopt Chapter 5 in Title 17, California Code of Regulations, Division 1

This notice is being provided to initiate a 30 day public comment period. A copy of the text of the proposed regulation is enclosed and also available for review on the Department’s website at:

Written comments pertaining to this proposal, regardless of the method of transmittal, must be received by Office of Regulations by June 12, 2023, which is hereby designated as the close of the written comment period. Comments received after this date will not be considered timely.

Written comments must be submitted as follows:
By email to: . It is requested that email transmission of comments, particularly those with attachments, contain the regulation package identifier “DPH-22-020” in the subject line, to facilitate timely identification and review of the comment;
By fax transmission to: (916) 636-6220;
By postal service or hand delivered to: California Department of Public Health, Office of Regulations, 1415 L Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814.

All comments, including email or fax transmissions, should include the regulation package identifier, DPH-22-020 “Limited Podiatric Radiography Permit” along with your name and your mailing address or email address in order for the Department to provide copies of any notices for proposed changes to the regulation text on which additional comments may be solicited.

In any inquiry, please identify the action by using the Department regulation control number, DPH-22-020.

Prescribing Laws Take Effect January 1, 2022

The Podiatric Medical Board of California is reminding prescribers of the upcoming e-prescribing requirements established by Assembly Bill (AB) 2789 (Wood, 2018).
Beginning January 1, 2022, most prescriptions issued by a licensed healthcare practitioner to a California pharmacy must be submitted electronically. This includes prescriptions issued by out-of-state healthcare practitioners to be filled in a California pharmacy.
Healthcare practitioners who fail to meet the requirements of AB 2789, may be subject to disciplinary action. The law provides certain exemptions, including if transmission of the prescription is temporarily unavailable because of technological or electrical failure; if the prescription is dispensed by a pharmacy located outside California; or if the prescription is issued to a patient who has a terminal illness pursuant to Section 11159.2 of the Health and Safety Code. The complete list of exemptions is included within Business and Professions Code section 688.
In addition to the electronic transmission requirements for all prescriptions, there are additional new requirements for controlled substance prescriptions. Under this law, a healthcare practitioner who does not issue a controlled substance prescription as an electronic data transmission prescription due to technological or electrical failure shall document the reason in the patient's medical record as soon as practicable, and within 72 hours of the end of the technological or electrical failure.
Although most prescriptions will be issued electronically, the Board recommends that all licensed prescribers have paper prescription forms available that meet the requirements of AB 149 should a technological or electrical failure prevent a prescription from being issued electronically. A list of the approved security prescription printers is available on the State Attorney General's website.

Additional Resources:

Please note the Board is unable to recommend or suggest what products or services will comply with the law.

Prescribing Laws Take Effect January 1, 2022

Licensees of the Podiatric Medical Board of California with prescribing authority are subject to the e-prescribing requirements established by Assembly Bill (AB) 2789 (Wood, 2018). Beginning January 1, 2022, most prescriptions (including but not limited to prescriptions for controlled substances) issued by a licensed healthcare practitioner to a California pharmacy must be submitted electronically. For more information on this law and its requirements, please see the AB 2789 bulletin. Practitioners also can get answers to questions about complying with the law at Electronic Data Transmission Prescriptions (E-Prescriptions) – Frequently Asked Questions provided by the California State Board of Pharmacy.

Waiver Extensions:

DCA Waiver DCA-21-194 Order Waiving License Renewal Requirements

DCA Waiver DCA-21-175 Order Waiving License Renewal Requirements

COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Expands Statewide in April


As part of California's effort to address the growing danger of opioid addiction stemming from prescription drug abuse, the CURES fee will increase from $6 to $11 annually for a period of 2 years effective April 1. For more information, visit:

Doctors of Podiatric Medicine are Authorized to Administer Covid-19 Vaccines

See link below:

DCA Waiver DCA-21-115 Order Waiving Restrictions on Doctors of Podiatric Medicine Relating to Ordering and Administering COVID-19 Vaccines

Licensure for Refugees, Asylees, and Holders of Special Immigrant Visas

Notice: Fee Increase for Licensed DPMs

The Podiatric Medical Board of California (PMBC) is the licensing and enforcement agency that regulates Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) in the State of California. PMBC has approximately 2400 licensees and has not raised renewal fees since 2004. A fee study was conducted and it was determined that the biennial renewal fee for DPMs needed to cover the costs of operation and allow PMBC to cover the costs of maintaining the required reserve funds. The fee study indicated that the biennial renewal fee needed to be increased to $1318. This increase will bring fees in line with actual costs. The effective date of this increase is January 1, 2021.

Prescription Changes in 2021!

California Governor Gavin Newsom has authorized new tax relief and grants to businesses impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. The Podiatric Medical Board of California is encouraging licensees to determine their eligibility for relief, which includes Tax Relief for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19, $500 Million for New COVID Relief Grant for Small Business, and Increase Funding for the California Rebuilding Fund. For more information, read Governor Newsom's news release or visit the Business and Employers section of the state's website.

Prescribing and Reporting Rules for Controlled Substances Effective January 1, 2021.

Are Your Prescription Forms Compliant?

Starting January 1, 2021, new laws will impact licensees who prescribe and/or furnish controlled substances.

  1. Updated Prescription Pad Security Requirements - starting January 1, 2021, California state law requires 15 security elements, including a 12-character serial number and corresponding barcode, to appear on California Security Prescription Forms. State law also requires California Security Prescription Forms to be produced by printers approved by the California Department of Justice's California Security Prescription Printers Program. For more information, please refer to the AB 149 Joint Statement.
  2. Revised Reporting Requirements for Controlled Substances – starting January 1, 2021, the dispensing of a controlled substance must be reported to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) within one working day after the medication is released to the patient or the patient's representative. Previously, the deadline to report was seven days after dispensing. Further, this law requires reporting of Schedule V drugs, in addition to Schedules II, III, and IV. This requirement applies to pharmacists and prescribers who dispense controlled substances.

Updated COVID-19 Testing Guidance

Order Waiving License Renewal Requirements

Order Waiving License Reactivation or Restoration Requirement

DCA Waivers - More Information

Guidance Relating to Non-Discrimination in Medical Treatment for Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)


SB 1448 mandates that on and after July 1, 2019, the Podiatric Medical Board of California requires a licensee to provide a separate disclosure to a patient or a patient's guardian or health care surrogate before the patient's first visit if the licensee is on probation pursuant to a probationary order made on and after July 1, 2019. The bill would also require the Podiatric Medical Board of California to provide specified information relating to licensees on this website.


To protect and educate consumers of California through licensing, enforcement, and regulation of Doctors of Podiatric Medicine.


All California-licensed podiatric physicians will provide safe and competent foot and ankle care.


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October 11, 2024 10:00 a.m.

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